In the summer of 2010, the beginnings of Delta Sigma Pi Rho Tau Chapter at Rutgers University began with the workings of two freshman business school students, Rahul Kumar and Anuj Sharma. After enduring many long hours of countless emails, phone calls, and planning, a vision was formed. These two students began spreading the news that a new professional business fraternity was entering the Rutgers Greek community. One by one, they carefully chose a group of five highly motivated business students that would later form our Executive Committee. Since that Fall semester, our brotherhood has expanded to over 100 dedicated members. The speed and immensity of our growth was unexpected to many of our brothers considering our small start up. However, in the process of becoming a great chapter, our belief in our fraternity became an impenetrable bond that is simply priceless.
The International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi is one of the largest professional and business fraternities in the world. It was founded on November 7, 1907 at the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance of New York University, New York, New York and is currently headquartered in Oxford, Ohio. The Fraternity has 296 collegiate chapters with over 280,000 initiated members worldwide.
Since 1907, we have been at the forefront of professional development and academic excellence among business undergraduate students across the globe.
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.
Exclusive brothers-only professional events, office visits, guest speaker series and networking days
Multiple annual & semesterly social events on campus for brothers and their guests
Tutoring and academic help for courses within and beyond RBS curriculum
Internship and full-time career placement assistance
Networking opportunities with chapter connections in Fortune 500 companies
Access to National Fraternity Hub, which student discounts and scholarship and career opportunities
Resume critique & mock interviews with experienced brothers and alumni
Yearly chapter trips during summer, winter and spring vacation - Rho Tau brothers have previously visited Cancun, Punta Cana, the Poconos, and Europe!
A lifelong brotherhood in a prolific, historic organization of esteemed individuals in business!
Aryan Sharma | President
Deep Patel | Senior Vice President
Keya Desai | VP Finance
James Ntiamoah | VP Chapter Operations
Yash Khandelwal | VP Scholarships & Awards
Antara Athavale | VP Professional Activities
Hannah Zhang | VP Marketing
Hanna Ahmed | VP Community Service
Laura Kim | VP Alumni Relations
Jeffrey Kwon | Chancellor
Tanush Saini | Social Chair
Neha Sivamurugan | Fundraising Chair
Nathan Tuason | Athletics Chair
Nikhil Jadav | Diversity & Equity Inclusion Chair
Hamza Azeem | President
Sahil Desai | Senior Vice President
Raj Patel | VP Finance
Katelin Chen | VP Chapter Operations
Aashir Syed | VP Scholarships & Awards
Sriya Commuri | VP Professional Activities
Anvi Bhatt | VP Marketing
Alexis Reducto | VP Community Service
Vrushi Shah | VP Alumni Relations
Jeffrey Kwon | Chancellor
Varsha Raghupathi | Social Chair
Stefano Sul | Fundraising Chair
Aryan Sharma | Athletics Chair
Eesha Shrivastava | Diversity & Equity Inclusion Chair
Sukhmeet Bedi | VP Professional Activities
Aryan Sharma | VP Marketing
Leon Lu | VP Community Service
Brannon Lam | VP Alumni Relations
Rahul Srikanth | Chancellor
Grant Wurster | Social Chair
Vibodh Singh | Fundraising Chair
Mukul Kallam | Athletics Chair
Laurel Sarkaria | Diversity & Equity Inclusion Chair
Calum Binnie | President
Laetitia Park | Senior Vice President
Rohan Vanaparthi | VP Finance
Sydney Leong | VP Chapter Operations
Antara Athavale | VP Scholarships & Awards
Chelsea Setlight | Diversity Equity & Inclusion Chair
Kaushik Nagireddi | VP Professional Activities
Khushi Bhan | VP Marketing
Varsha Raghupathi | VP Community Service
Amey Kapadia | VP Alumni Relations
Akhil Dwasari | Chancellor
Viraaj Kumar | Social Chair
Yash Mathur | Fundraising Chair
Shivansh Patel | Athletics Chair
Leena Abdelsamad | VP Professional Activities
Hamza Azeem | VP Marketing
Thy Nguyen | VP Community Service
Anjuna Chakraverty | VP Alumni Relations
Andrew Han | Chancellor
Adam Attal | Social Chair
Josh Gumber | Fundraising Chair
Joanne Plaras | Athletics Chair
Rithvik Reddy | President
Tony Po | Senior Vice President
Annie Malik | VP Finance
Janice Lee | VP Chapter Operations
Amey Kapadia | VP Scholarships & Awards
Hannah Bondalo | VP Professional Activities
CJ Sanciangco | VP Marketing
Zoe Wang | VP Community Service
Aalyiah Khan | VP Alumni Relations
Enzo Ruta | Social Chair
Andrew Han | Fundraising Chair
Roberto Sul | Athletics Chair
Shreya Sharma | VP Professional Activities
Henry Wang | VP Marketing
Jardin Jacoby | VP Community Service
Ruby Ng | VP Alumni Relations
Zoe Wang | Chancellor
Brandon Piserchia | Social Chair
Viraaj Kumar | Fundraising Chair
Brian Poon | Athletics Chair
Calum Binnie | Diversity & Equity Inclusion Chair
Eric Leong | President
Abhishek Taruvai | Senior Vice President
Rithvik Reddy | VP Finance
Danielle Navara | VP Chapter Operations
Mahi Joshi | VP Scholarships & Awards
Isabella Lam | VP Professional Activities
Adam Attal | VP Marketing
Jasmine Baboomian | VP Community Service
Shreya Sharma | VP Alumni Relations
Ankit Patel | Chancellor
Richard Yoo | Social Chair
Christina Porcelli | Fundraising Chair
Enzo Ruta | Athletics Chair
Danielle Bae | VP Professional Activities
Anthony Potero | VP Marketing
Sameer Madhukar | VP Community Service
Adam Attal | VP Alumni Relations
Richard Kim | Chancellor
Debora Garcia | Social Chair
Hannah Bondalo | Fundraising Chair
Zoe Wang | Athletics Chair
Varun Pandian | President
Pranjal Singh | Senior Vice President
Ankit Patel | VP Finance
Aristotelis Pourpoulakis | VP Chapter Operations
Jackelyn Sanchez | VP Scholarships & Awards
Anika Rahman | VP Professional Activities
Wendy Lin | VP Marketing
Danielle Navara| VP Community Service
Shilpa Menon | VP Alumni Relations
David Roushdy | Chancellor
Kevin Cosio| Social Chair
Michael Lisa| Fundraising Chair
Eric Leong | Athletics Chair
Kristen Gleason | VP Professional Activities
Richard Kim | VP Marketing
Ibrahim Khajanchi | VP Community Service
Raymond Nguyen | VP Alumni Relations
Mehul Singh | Chancellor
Arunkanth Gayam | Social Chair
Jasmine Baboomian | Fundraising Chair
Alex Gonzalez | Athletics Chair
Rho Tau Advisors
Rho Tau Advisors